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Essential CBD Extract: You might recall that Carl Linnaeus was initially included in the original long--form title of this essay, positioned between Pluto and the human body. However, due to the wordy nature of that preliminary title for this essay, the polymath Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician, the father of modern taxonomy, was cruelly edited out by my lovely editor (AKA my wife Carol).

Nevertheless, I'll end this by giving the Great Man his due. Long long ago, way back in the 18th century, Linnaeus published a system for classifying living things. He commenced this historic undertaking by introducing just two classes of things, which he called kingdoms. The two classes were animals and plants. If he lived today, he probably would have called his classification the Dimensions of Living Things.I do not believe he would be offended or surprised to discover that, in the modern world, there are eight levels of hierarchical classification -- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.Instead, he would probably delight and take pride in the evolution of knowledge which he inspired.

When I heard that teenage heartthrob Zac Efron was going to star in Richard Linklater's film based on the novel by Robert Kaplow about a fledgling actor who gets his lucky break playing Lucius in Orson Welles' legendary Mercury Theatre Broadway debut production of Julius Caesar in 1937, I was a little uneasy yet undeterred due to my enduring fascination with Welles it was always going to be compulsory viewing.

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